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Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
ISSN : 02163160     EISSN : 22523901     DOI : 10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert
The development of science and technology in agriculture, has been instrumental in increasing the production of various agricultural commodities. But climate change is also uncertain world led to decreased agricultural productivity. World energy crisis resulted in higher prices of agricultural commodities due to competition between food and energy are higher. Efforts to utilize biomass (agricultural products) has started a lot of research, not only as raw material for bioenergy, but also in an attempt to exploit agro-products into valuable economic products, and realize clean production in agro-industry.
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Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT  Determining value and predicting price of a technology is difficult to be done in the process of commercialization because invention’s character in the form of technology could not be measured quantitatively (intangible). This character complicates process valuation of technology. Based on that, technology valuation system was expected to be able to assist inventor and intellectual property rights center in assessing and predicting the price of new technology. The objectives of this research were (1) to value composition of cajuput candy as throat relief  as  new technology that is potential to be commercialized; and (2) to give license price prediction for composition of cajuput candy as a throat relief product. Inventor and investor have different perception in assessing new technology. This perception identified its variables and attributes. Rank of technological valuation variables was carried out with Ordered Weighted Averaging-Operator method. Commercialization risk judgement was done with Expert Panel method. Technological license price prediction was done with Discounted Cash Flow method. Assessment and prediction of technological license price was done with system approach in decision making with program package called V-Tech v1.2.  Based on the analysis result the composition of cajuput candy as throat relief had risk factor of 0.4947 with technology class in moderate risk, stayed at growth step in technological life cycle and stayed at diffusion step in product life cycle. License profit was equal to Rp 111,701,422.00 and stayed at growth step in innovation diffusion to new consumer. Keywords: valuation system, cajuput candy, license profit, risk factor, technology life cycle, product life cycle
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT Agroindustry in the global economy are challenged with transformation process from industrial era to knowledge and information era. Several studies have shown that management strategy of human resource that are directly related to the competence of business people has become the choice of most organizations. However, those studies have not explained how the process of competency development is done in the organization's efforts to survive and grow. This study applied multi-rater AHP method in a local company producing ethanol to develop job competency modeling. This study used analysis descriptive method with multi-rater AHP as its tool. Unstructured issues in this company were simplified into sections and arranged in hierarchy based on the level of interest through synthesis variables. This study shows that the number of managerial competencies was ranging from 5 to 15 competencies and there were seven core competencies.  The research findings are expected to have implications on companies or organizations from various agro-industries in the process of developing competency models. The organization's management was  expected to make the findings as a reference for the recruitment, placement, promotion, transfer, development and provision of compensation to employees fairly and effectively to support its business strategy.  Key words: agroindustry, job competency model, multi rater AHP
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT  One of the problems encountered in developing industrial cluster is how to manage the collaboration especially knowledge sharing among cluster members (industry, governments and supporting institution). On the other side, knowledge management activities in cluster should be tightly related to objectives and strategy of the cluster itself. This article presents a model for selecting industrial cluster development strategy and selecting knowledge management strategy by taking a case study at  small and medium enterprises (SME) latex dipped goods cluster in West Java and Banten provinces. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process was used in this research. The results shows that innovation and technology strategic initiative was the most important initiative for developing latex dipped cluster where  supporting institutions acts as main actor. Combination of codification and personalization strategy was the most important knowledge management strategy to support innovation and technology strategic initiative.  Keywords: industry cluster, strategy,  knowledge  management, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process,  latex dipped goods
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT  Pressing is one of the important steps in the oil production by using a mechanical method.  Optimization in the oil pressing need is conducted in order to obtain high yield and quality of the oil. A suitable temperature and pressure in the oil pressing will give an optimum condition for the operation causing oil flows easier.  The objectives of this research were to get conditions of temperature and pressure in rubber seed pressing in order to obtain high yield and physico-chemical properties of rubber seed oil for the chamois tanning.  The sun-dried seeds were dried in an oven at temperature of 70 oC for one hour, and then were pressed by using a hydraulic pressing at temperatures of 55 oC, 65 oC and 75 oC and pressures of 15 tonnes/196.15 cm2, 17.5 tonnes/196.15 cm2 and 20 tonnes/196.15 cm2.  Yield of the oil and oil content of its cake were measured.  Their physico-chemical properties of the oil including colour, iodine value, acid value, and free-fatty acid content were measured.  The results show that condition giving the best yield and physico-chemical properties of the rubber seed oil for leather tanning was pressing at temperature of 75 oC and pressure of 20 tonnes/196.15 cm2.     Keywords:  rubber seed oil, pressure, temperature, yield, leather tanning
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT  Capacity is a maximum amount that such a production process can produce in a given unit of time. In 2007, Pasir Nangka Factory of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII produced 2,493 tonnes of black tea. The optimum performance of the factory with 12 operation hours per day and 303 working days per year is 3,454 tonnes of dry black tea. The difference between those performances indicates that the factory operates in suboptimum condition.  The purposes of this research were (1) to  analyze the capacity utilization level of the orthodox black tea factory, (2) to find the costs caused by the idle and non-productive capacities, and (3) to analyze the alternatives to improve capacity utilization level. Analysis of capacity model was done by comparing actual capacity with practical capacity. Overall factory utilization level was determined by the drying line.  The production level of the overall factory achieved 72.2% in which 69% in productive status.  Therefore, 3.2% of the capacity was idle and 27.8% was non-productive. The results show that the alternative to reduce the idle time could increase the production capacity of overall factory from 69% to 72.2%, whereas alternative to increase the sprout production to meet demand of bottleneck line could improve the utilization of the overall productive capacity to 90.8%.  Keywords: orthodox black tea, factory, capacity, capacity utilization
REFINING OF CALOPHYLLUM OIL AND ITS APPLICATION AS BIOFUEL Ika Amalia Kartika, Syelly Fathiayah, Desrial dan Yohanes Ari Purwanto
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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BSTRACT  The objective of this research was to study the refining of calophyllum oils and its characterization as a biofuel substitute for diesel fuel.  The dosage of phosphoric acid solution of 20% (0.2 - 0.3%) and the NaOH concentration (14-18 °Be) were examined to determine the best performance of the refining process and the quality of refined calophyllum oil. The block experimental design and ANOVA (F-test at α = 0.05) were applied to study the effects of dosage of phosphoric acid solution of 20% and NaOH concentration on oil loss and its quality. Generally, the block and the NaOH concentration affected significantly the oil loss and the quality of refined oil. A significant increase of oil loss was observed as increasing of NaOH concentration. The dosage of phosphoric acid solution did not affect the oil loss and the quality of refined oil.  However, an increase of the dosage of phosphoric acid solution tended to decrease the ash content and viscosity of refined oil, but did not affect any other parameters. The best treatment for calophyllum oil refining was obtained on the block 1, and the phosphoric acid solution dosage of 0.2% and NaOH concentration of 18 °Be. This treatment gave the oil loss of 36.8%, the acid value of 0.23 mg NaOH/g, the saponification value of 174.93 mg KOH/g, the peroxide value of 7 meq/kg, the ash content of 0.003% and the viscosity of 32.5 cP. The quality of refined calophyllum oil under this optimum condition fulfilled the Biofuel Standard. Keywords: calophyllum oil, degumming, neutralization, biofuel
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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ABSTRACT  The objective of this research was to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for optimization of waste utilization of palm oil mill waste. The waste studied here focused on one that can be used by the oil palm industry, namely empty fruit bunch (EFB). The computerized model of decision support system for optimization of EFB utilization developed was called PW Optima 1.0. Goal  Programming (GP) combined with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used for the optimization. Priority of several goals in the GP was determined by the AHP method. That goal targets of optimization of EFB utilization were an affordable cost, a minimize level of environmental pollution and maximum benefit. This decision support system model was verified by using real cases and showed promising results.  Keywords : decision support system, optimization, empty fruit bunch, goal programming, analytical hierarchy process
PEDOMAN  BAGI PENULIS Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian  Ketentuan Umum  1.  Penulis harus menjamin bahwa naskah yang dikirimkan adalah asli dan tidak pernah dipublikasikan di jurnal lainnya, yang dinyatakan dengan surat pernyataan seperti  terlampir. 2.  Naskah yang akan dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian dapat berupa hasil penelitian, analisis kebijakan, komunikasi singkat, opini, gagasan dan review.   3.  Naskah dapat ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris m Pedoman Bagi Penulis
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 20 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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PEDOMAN  BAGI PENULIS Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian  Ketentuan Umum  1.  Penulis harus menjamin bahwa naskah yang dikirimkan adalah asli dan tidak pernah dipublikasikan di jurnal lainnya, yang dinyatakan dengan surat pernyataan seperti  terlampir. 2.  Naskah yang akan dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian dapat berupa hasil penelitian, analisis kebijakan, komunikasi singkat, opini, gagasan dan review.   3.  Naskah dapat ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris menggunakan format yang sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa yang digunakan.  Editor tidak menerima naskah yang tidak  memenuhi persyaratan yang diminta.   4.  Penentuan layak tidaknya naskah yang akan dipublikasikan ditentukan oleh Dewan Editor Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian atas masukan mitra bestari yang kompeten. 5.  Naskah dikirimkan ke editor sebanyak tiga eksemplar dalam bentuk  naskah asli dan softcopy dalam CD atau dapat dikirim via email.  Naskah ditulis dalam  Microsoft  Word, Gambar/grafik dalam  Microsoft  Excel dan tuliskan nama pengarang sebagai  nama file.  Naskah dapat dikirimkan dengan  softcopynya kepada : Editor Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian (TIN), Fateta IPB, Kampus IPB Darmaga PO Box 220 Bogor 16002, Telpon/Fax :  0251-8625088; 0251-8621974; dengan alamat e-mail:  6.  Hak Cipta tulisan yang dimuat ada pada  Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian.  Penulis yang naskahnya dimuat diharuskan membayar kontribusi biaya penerbitan sebesar Rp 25.000,- per halaman. 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Prosiding  Sunarti TC dan Yuliasih I.  2006.  Fractionation of Sago Starch Using Hot Water Solubiliza-tion Method.  Di dalam Proceedings of Malaysian Chemistry Conference 2006 – International Conference on Green Chemistry.  Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 19 – 21 September 2006.  Thesis/Dissertasi Yuliasih I.  2007.  Fraksinasi dan asetilasi pati sagu serta aplikasinya sebagai campuran plastik sintetik. [Disertasi]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor. Jurnal Elektronik Romo DMR, Grosso MV, Solano NCM, Castano DM. 2007. A most effective method for selecting a broad range of short and medium chain-length polyhidroxyalcanoate producing microorganisms. Electron J Biotechnol 10:e349-57, doi 10.2225.    SURAT PERNYATAAN  Kepada Yth. Redaksi Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Di Tempat  Bersama ini kami kirimkan naskah Judul : ..................................... Penulis   : 1. ............     2. ............     dst. Instansi : 1. .............    2. .............                 dst. 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